🙂🙂 Year 2018 once again the summer had taken its toll and we were all excited to go back to our favorite destination Bhagsu in Himchal Pradesh. We were too excited this time as we had promised ourselves that we will do all those things that we always wanted to do… We all ( Sheetal, Poonam and myself) wanted Tattoo for ourselves so we went looking for tattoo shop in upper bhagsu and left our kids at frens internet cafe. We still were deciding on what to make then we met Bhola the Tattoo man.
We still were not sure if this was the right decision or not and then we were like yes we have to do it and the next minute Bhola was Sterilizing the tattoo machine and then I thought of going in first so I gathered my courage and decided to get Kshatriya inked in hindi. So I sat on the bed next to him with closed eyes and took a deep drag of what I needed the most at that time and was ready and then I heard some sensation as if ants biting me on my hands and it went on for a minute and then my hands went numb ..so he took his sweet time to do the tattoo and when he was done I was amazed it turned out to be more beautiful then i had thought … next went Poonam who got P with heart then Sheetal with AS initials and when we were finally done Sheetal’s daughter Pihu who was 14 years old said she also wanted to get one for herself… finally we convinced the Tattoo guy Bhola to do it for Pihu.
Back in the rooms we were excited about our very first tattoo’s and we partied till late in night. Some how we felt one was not enough so next morning we got up again and after breakfast at German cafe we went to another Tattoo shop in Bhagsu main market where we met Rajeev and he helped us to decide our next tattoo which we got done on our ankle ..I went for weed logo and Poonam got her pretty butterfly. The experience was totally different form the previous one… Rajeev was more professional with high end technology but Bhola was more friendly and cool.
Rest of the days were spent at the water fall and cafe there …we tried to live every moment we could to our best. It was our last day in Bhagsu and when we were going towards upper Bhagsu I happened to see one of my FB fren just had a brief eye contact with him and we just smiled at each other and that was it ….but that eye contact changed my whole life. Wait to know more…in my next blog

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